Ontprooien en ontplooien

(This blog post is in Dutch) In het boek ‘De prooi’ van Jeroen Smit wordt duidelijk wat macht en hebzucht met mensen doen.  ‘Ontprooien’ is hierop geïnspireerd, en betekent om de focus hiervan af te halen: in plaats hiervan zou ontplooiing de focus moeten hebben.

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Corporate Shift, Dutch Shift

Ik ben gevraagd om mee te werken aan een blog, en bij gebleken geschiktheid mag ik vaker. Bewuste titel corporate shift, dutch shift. Dutch staat enerzijds voor het bedrijf Dutch dat Pablo Smolders en ik hebben opgericht en leiding aan geven, anderzijds natuurlijk de bv Nederland.

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New roles for innovation inside large businesses by Alex Osterwalder

The traditional corporate rewards managers for reliability: managers get promoted for reaching targets. This model works well for execution but does not work well for experimentators and innovators. As a consequence, companies forget to innovate and loose their competitive edge. Corporates therefore have to change, and the introduction of new roles can help make this change happen. Luckily Alex Osterwalder, co-inventor of the business model Canvas has a solution in the form of three new roles.

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Why-How-What: the best agenda for strategy discussions

Many organizations are in the process to redefine or set their vision or strategy. New organizations need a strategy as a communication tool towards investors or potential customers. Existing organizations need to reconsider what they are doing due to changes in their environment. There are many ways to come to a strategy: from open discussions to filling in business plans. The Why – How – What framework, by Simon Sinek, is the framework I would recommend to most groups. Here is a short introduction of the framework.

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A company visitor reception is a strategic asset

A good visitor reception is very important for a company: more important than most managers realize. Not all companies do this well, but some do: one of my favourites is the Rabobank main office in Utrecht. In this article it is explained why it is important to have a great reception and what you do the improve the visitor experience.

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Crowdfunding: an alternative innovation strategy?

On March 18th, 2013 a new journalism platform saw the light in The Netherlands: De Correspondent. It promised to break away from the regular way of reporting by in-depth writing and by involving the reader in the choice of subjects. This completely new platform was not backed by any single investor. Instead, within 8 days more than 15,000 people pledged 60 euros for a subscription to De Correspondent, and its start was secured.

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